Friday, June 03, 2005

Battle burrito

I've been in this debate with more than one person in the past several months: Whose burritos are superior? El Farolito's or Cancun's? I've been a strong supporter of Cancun and whenever people ask me where to get a burrito, I tell them that's the place to go.

But, it got me thinking--if more than one reliable person was saying that El Farolito's really is better, could it be true? I had to find out, so I couldn't turn down a trip there after reliving my high school years at the Fillmore last night with Ryan and Mo. Time for a midnight burrito run.

I ordered a super burrito with carne asada and everything on it, along with a Negra Modelo. It was a good burrito but not the best, and, to me, inferior to Cancun's. Sure, its heft had something going for it (that burrito was the size of my head and, as many of you may already know, I've got a big head--and in more than one sense--and it weighed like five pounds). And, yes, half of it was filled with meat, as Ryan had informed us beforehand. And, yes, there was avocado. And, yes, the tortilla was grilled. All very similar to Cancun's burrito. But there was something off. The rice was a bit bland. The burrito a bit too dry, even with a healthy dallop of sour cream. The burrito a bit too loosely formed. And, it all seemed so promising in the beginning.

How was I to doubt your brilliance, Cancun?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sure look pretty happy in this picture.

Sunday, June 05, 2005 11:24:00 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

I really wouldn't say "happy." Gigantic (in comparison to Mo) is more appropriate. Also, I tried (tried twice, even) to post the one of you devouring your inferior burrito, but no luck. I'll try harder next time.

Monday, June 06, 2005 6:19:00 PM  

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