Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Missing the Mission

Working in San Rafael leaves me with very few eating options for lunch. The only places within close walking distance are Subway, Wendy's, and some tacqueria place. Not exactly gourmet options. I'm starting to feel a deep yearning for my old job, which was located in a densely populated food mecca. I was food-spoiled then.

Today's lunch adventure took place at the tacqueria. I ordered a super chicken burrito, which was brought to me by a man who kept calling me amiga and who kept asking me how I was doing. After eating almost two years worth of burritos in the Mission, knowing well a good burrito, and never expecting a burrito to surprise me, I was surprised by this burrito. It was an impressively good burrito: tightly wrapped, not too much rice, a good amount of chicken, cheese evenly spread throughout, no lame-o lettuce that some places have, and a healthy dallop of sour cream. And, the best part: the tortilla was grilled (I hate the hiss of tortilla steam machines).

I should have guessed that this tacqueria would be a decent one. Almost everyone in the place, workers and diners, were Hispanic-looking. Heck, they even started talking to me, probably the tallest Chinese (maybe even the only Chinese) person to step foot in the joint in Spanish. That's hardcore. I just need to called chinita and it'll be like I never left the Mission.


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