Monday, February 21, 2005

Dorming it

Dorm food, I must admit, has come a long way since I was a freshman in college not all that long ago. Jeanne, Justin, and I got food from some café-cafeteria-deli-sandwich-coffee-smoothie-shop place at UCLA after the pizza that we ordered from Enzo’s never delivered. The hot turkey sandwich and bread bowl with clam chowder was quite impressive for dorm food. The turkey sandwich was a warm one, heated up in a large oven open for public viewing. The foccacia bread was dense, soft, and chewy all at the same time, with bits of the corners and edges a golden brown and toasty. I’m not a big fan of cranberry chutney but was impressed that this sandwich had a cranberry chutney smear that actually tasted like cranberries. The tomato slices were thick, real, and ripe. And, the turkey, amazingly, was not dry. Very impressive. The bread bowl was a wonder as well. The bowl, made of the same foccacia bread as the sandwiches but in a different shape, was this time enhanced by the thick and cream soup. The bread was just soft enough to ask as a sponge for the soup so that each bite of bread oozed with clam chowder. The foccacia was a superior substitute for the usual sourdough, which can be sometimes too chewy and tough. I could have eaten that soup bowl forever.


Blogger Jeanne said...

that's bruin cafe for you... but after a while it gets very very boring.

Thursday, February 24, 2005 10:34:00 PM  

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