Wednesday, March 16, 2005

And the cheese stands alone

A good grilled cheese sandwich is hard to come by, and I've been experimenting on various versions to try to create my idea of the perfect grilled cheese sandwich. Today's attempt was one that took me back to the basics of just cheese, bread, and a dab of butter.

It looked like a good sandwich. The bread was just brown and toasty enough with a little bit of a crunch when poked with the spatula, but, of course, looks can be deceiving. Just when I thought I had figured out the right way to get an even distribution of the butter and browning of the bread, the cheese to bread proportion was off. There was simply too much cheese. It was oozing out from the side of the bread. Bites from the crusty edges of the sandwich were fine, but there was trouble in the middle, where there was no extra crust to support all the cheese that had somehow travelled to the middle part of the sandwich. Each bite was just cheese and it was too much cheese for me. However, the consistency of the cheese was just right. No weird separation of cheese and oil. The sharp chedder held its own. Good cheese.


Blogger Jeanne said...

maybe you should use a heartier bread. something crusty and chewy that you would cut yourself so you could make the slices extra thick. or use a baguette but fold it inside out so the soft bread is on the outside, ready for the hot pan to turn it into crunchy goodness and the crust is on the inside. put your sandwich on the foreman and make a faux panini. yum. that sounds good.

Sunday, March 20, 2005 10:38:00 PM  

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