Friday, May 05, 2006


I need to learn to stop eating food that’s within arm’s reach because of its close proximity. Today it was a can of honey glazed macadamias I found in my mail box at work. Ken must have brought it back from his vacation in Hawaii.

I knew that once I opened it, I would just devour the whole thing, and not because I’m a crazy nut fan but because they were there. So, I held off. I didn’t pull that metal top off the can until about one in the afternoon. That’s four solid hours of restraint. But, once that top was popped, I was all over those nuts. One after another after another somehow kept managing its way into my mouth. I would put the little plastic lid on, and that would somehow become un-topped and yet more nuts would find their way into my belly.

And, the nuts were good, just a little bit salty and just a little bit sweet. I sat at my desk and ate almost the entire can of nuts. That’s two thousand calories of nuts and sixty grams of fat! That’s a lot of nuts. Now, I’m staring at the almost empty can sitting next to my bed as I type right now. I know they’re waiting for me to finish them off as a pre-bedtime snack.


Blogger Jeanne said...

gurl, i know how much you like 'em nuts... heh heh heh.

btw, write a haiku for me. i haven't updated in a while... i'm at a haiku block.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:29:00 PM  

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