Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Coffee from the gods

I kidnapped Colin on Monday to help me lug boxes out of my car and into my new house, unbeknownst to him (therefore being a kidnapping). It wasn't really a kidnapping. We were to spend Monday together at Yosh's smelling pretty and I offered to carpool across the Bridge together. And, I thought, since he's in my car and my house isn't that far from Yosh's, maybe he'll help me unload.

He was a good sport about it. And, when we were done, we went to get coffee at the best and most random spot ever! Ever! It's a cart in the front of his dad's workplace on that tiny stretch of Linden between Gough and Octavia near that grassy spot with the wierd-looking temple thing. Our coffee was brewed by a nice, tall man with gray curly hair. He and some other nice man (but who wasn't nearly as tall) chatted with us about bikes and housing foundation.

I ordered a drip coffee and poured in some milk and sugar, which I then regretted. My first sip was divine; it was coffee like I never tasted before. Rich and not at all bitter. I felt bad for messing with its perfection with milk and sugar. What would it have tasted like black? I kept telling Colin how good it was for the next hour and, of course, he knew.

With coffee so good and so close, I might just ditch my organic Mayan beans, coffee grinder, and French press, and take a little stroll every morning, afternoon, and evening.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should try phil's on folsom and 24th, right on the corner. stick to the cart for your everyday jolt, but go to phil's for a treat once-a-while.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:02:00 PM  

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