Thursday, June 30, 2005

Dos amigos

I have somehow managed to become friends with the man from the Tacqueria. He always greets me with a, “Hello, amiga. How are you?” He even says hello and taps me on my shoulder even when I’m not at the Tacqueria but at the Subway next door trying to decide if I want my sandwich on a wheat or Italian.

Today at the Tacqueria (which I think is really just called Tacqueria) was no different. I went up to the counter to order my burrito with carne asada and Mandarin soda, and there it was, “Hello, amiga! Are you on lunch?” “Yeah, I’m taking a little break. How are you?” That’s the extent of our conversation. Nothing more. Friendly enough, I suppose.

But, he hooks me up with the foil and paper bag when I’m done with all I can eat and want to wrap up the leftovers. He even remembers what I order and brings it to me without me having to wait for my number to be called out. Awesome, my little amigo.


Blogger S said...

Why are you so lucky?

There's a girl at the Burger Meister near my work that knows what I eat and it weirds me out. I think she likes me and she once argued with my coworker who was picking up an order as to whether or not I wanted fries or cole slaw.

And the woman at Golden Boy Pizaa hates me and the guy at the health food store gives me weird vibes and always feels the need to comment on whatever shirt I'm wearing.

Why can't a friendly foreigner just call me "amiga?"

Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:02:00 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Because you're not a tall Asian girl.

Friday, July 01, 2005 12:42:00 AM  
Blogger S said...

Or am I?

Friday, July 01, 2005 3:01:00 PM  

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