Sunday, November 02, 2008

Mother's warning

I feel sick. I ate too much Halloween candy. I've been eating too much Halloween candy all weekend. It started Friday at work. No one brought candy in to share. Usually, someone will bring in some sort of snack. Calvin bakes. Before him, Allison used to bring in sweet treats. I thought that for Halloween someone would have brought something. But, nope. Nothing. No cookies. No candy. No sugar.

I was feeling disappointed. It got worse after lunch at Doobu, where one piece of a mini Twix whetted my sweet tooth appetite. By 3:30, I was suffering. I took the opportunity to move my car to drive over to Safeway to pick up sweets for the office. Lucy came with me and we picked up mini Snickers, mini Kit-Kats, mini Reece's peanut butter cups, and a full-sized Twix for us to share (mini Twix were not on sale). I ate my Twix stick in the car, had one almond mini Snickers on the walk back to the office, where I then ate a mini Kit-Kat, a peanut butter cup, two more Snickers, and a box of Red Hots that Kat had.

I made a mistake by taking the leftover candy home. Alone with this bag of candy, I ate two more mini Snickers Friday night. Saturday, I ate three more Kit-Kat bars. Today, before meeting Eleanor and Colin for lunch, I ate another Kit-Kat followed by a mini Snickers. And, just right now at 8:45 pm, I ate two more Kit-Kats, a peanut butter cup, and a mini Snickers. My stomach is not feeling happy.

What was I thinking? I don't usually eat candy and never this amount. When I do, it's usually a small piece of dark chocolate. It's like I'm on a candy binge. Now, I'm feeling guilty and disappointed in and disgusted at myself.

I'm packing up the candy and taking it to work tomorrow. Hopefully, I can pawn these sweets off on my students.



Blogger Jeanne said...

i CANNNNNNNNNNNNNNOT believe you ate all that sugar. you'd better do throw it all up. mini size snacks or not, it's still junk!

Monday, November 03, 2008 9:59:00 AM  

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