My Daily Eats revived--for real
I'm reviving Susan's Daily Eats. I read some of my past entries not too long ago, and I became sad. Reading what I wrote, I remembered those meals and those places. I miss that. I miss having this as my journal.
This feeling became particularly apparent when I was walking through the Civic Center Farmer's Market two weeks ago. I had been going there fairly regularly Sunday mornings in the summer. I would pick up summer peaches, nectarines, and pluots. Two weeks ago, I noticed the fruits and vegetables change. There were still some pitted fruits, but there were also apples, butternut squash, persimmons. I could see the shift in season in the new produce. And, I had no outlet in expressing how wonderful it was to see this fall season show its way in food.
So, food blog is back! For real. I'm going to write regularly and post regularly. But, there will be some changes. No more will I be eating as indulgently as I once did. No more will there be posts about excessive beer and mac-n-cheese. No more will there be fried chicken offs and burger hunts.
Instead, there will be more vegetables and whole grains. In my quest to be more fit and less fat, I'm eating more healthily. I'm not dieting, per se. Rather, I'm being more mindful of the things I put into my body and what I need to do to work it out of my body. So, I am still eating burgers and pizza and drinking beer, but just not as much.
Also, because I think cooking healthily should be easy and fun, I'm going to try to include more of what I cook for myself. There won't necessarily be recipes, since I don't like typing out all that detailed information and think that you don't really need to stick to a recipe to make tasty food, but there will be general meal ideas and basic guidance on how to approach cooking it.
So, let's blog!
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