Sunday, May 06, 2007

Russian Cinco De Mayo

I had been limiting the amount of time I spend with hipsters and in places that even hint at hipsterdom. All that irony and cheap beer can be too much to handle. But, Ryan called and said that he was going to a house party hosted by the best-looking guy he knows, which coming from Ryan (who himself is a good-looking boy and therefore has good-looking friends) is quite astounding. I had to check it out.

I met Ryan and his friends at Kilowatt, where they then told me a joke that I didn't get. ("How many hipsters does it take to change a lightbulb? Oh, it's some number that you've never heard of.") After a drink, we headed around the corner to the party. Ryan introduced me to the host who, although was an attractive fellow, I didn't think warranted best-looking guy status.

However, his cooking abilities made up for the lack of drop-dead gorgeousness. Just as soon as we helped ourselves to some drinks (yet more vodka tonic for me), Mosha came by with some crispy bread stuffed with something brown and smothered with cream cheese. It was crispy, creamy, and salty--the perfect combination with drinks. Apparently, the theme of this Cinco De Mayo party was Russian delicacies (because, of course, at a hipster party you can't celebrate a holiday in its traditional ways), and what I was eating was a piroshki. I had no idea what a piroshki was or what it was doing at this Cinco De Mayo party, but I knew it tasted good and I wanted more.

After making batches of piroshkis and telling all the guests to eat more of them, our kind host started melting some butter in a pan for what he called pirogis. He had strained the boiled dumplings and was about to fry them up, but, sadly, I never saw nor tasted the end results. I don't know where I was--maybe getting some PBR from the keg or having a puff of someone else's cigarette on the balcony or dancing to Prince.

As we were getting ready to leave, we made a final round to the kitchen and picked up some more piroshkis for the road. They were just as good at the end of the party as at the beginning, although I still coudn't figure out what they were doing at a Cinco De Mayo party.

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Blogger Ricardo said...

Thanks for coming. You seem to make every situation better. I'm still waiting for Curry-Off 2007.

Sunday, May 13, 2007 3:37:00 PM  
Blogger Ricardo said...

No Curry-Off post yet? What's happened to you Susan?

Thursday, June 28, 2007 3:17:00 PM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

i agree with ryan. post something!!! i get oh so bored at work...

Thursday, July 05, 2007 10:48:00 AM  

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